Mercedez Linke
Graphic Artist
Ultracal torso and head lifecast. We casted this by rotocasting the mold of the lifecast to create an even thickness for stability. Later, this lifecast was used to sculpt a creature suit on.
First half of Ultracal mold of arm.
Ultracal mold of an arm sculpture for "Outsiders" season 2.
Airplane models created for aviation company. Original propellers were molded in MoldStar 20T silicone. I then casted the propellers in HG plastic, and painted them after clean up.
After the planes were painted, I applied the decals made of adhesive vinyl to the models.
Taking a lifecast of Francie Swift's neck for "Outsiders."
Sculpted the cowl of the Moth Man makeup that was created for an event.
TolinFX contracted me to work with them as a Special Effects Artist from June 2015 - November 2019. During my time with TolinFX, I worked on an array of unique projects including mold making, miniature models, a creature suit, and a walking dinosaur suit. Specifically, my focus with TolinFX was SquibFX. SquibFX is a line of air only powered squib rigs, which are meant to simulate blood effects.. I built every rig that was made to order, and operated the shipment of orders. During my time with TolinFX I was involved in many different projects within the theater, film, and entertainment industries